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TrueFit Assessment

Determine if owning a consulting business is a good fit for you and plan your next steps with the TrueFit Assessment.

This is an online assessment which walks you through a series of questions to explore, research and reflect upon.

When you purchase the TrueFit Assessment, you will get immediate access to this five step process and go-forward plan. 

Throughout the online course, you will explore consulting as a career in five key areas:

  1. Understanding your motivations for this career choice
  2. Defining your marketable expertise
  3. Understanding where you stand financially
  4. Assessing the state of your network
  5. Determining if you are enough of a self-starter to launch your own business

This is not a “test”, but a reflective process which guides you through key considerations that will impact your success as a consultant. 

We do not guarantee your consulting success by going through this process but hope that through these reflective assessments, you will have the knowledge to make the best career decision for yourself.